More than 100 years Visser Leeuwarden

Visser Leeuwarden was founded in 1910 by Gerben Visser. In the 1950s and 1960s, the company developed into a specialist in emergency vehicles.

Scroll through the history
Visser Logo 1910

The foundation

Gerben Visser started as a 22-year-old young man in 1910 his business as a wagon maker where he made Sjezen, Hay Wagons Handcarts, Tilbury’s.

Visser Leeuwarden Historie Naam

Acquisition Wagenmakers Radersma

In 1916 he bought the Wagenmakers company of the then 75-year-old Radersma at the corner by the Vrouwenpoorts bridge in Leeuwarden.

Visser Historie Ambulance

Production of ambulances

The real growth spurt came after World War II, when in 1948 Gerben Visser's three sons Gosse, Rients, and Heerke took over the company from their father and began to focus on the production of ambulances with built-in suspension stretchers, school dental vans, X-ray vans, and medical vehicles. There was also interest from abroad, and they began exporting to Israel, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and Belgium.

Start Up Visser Brancards

Start-up Visser brancards

Focus on ambulances; start-up of Visser brancards.

Visser Historie Edisonstraat

New construction Edisonstraat

Due to the growth, expansion was necessary and there were no possibilities at the Pierpander- and Tramstraat, so they started building new at Edisonstraat 16 in Leeuwarden.

Visser Historie Introductie Ambulance

Introduction of ambulance

Introduction of the new Visser ambulance based on a Mercedes-Benz E-class.

Visser Historie Iso 9001


ISO 9001 certification

Visser Historie Overname Ziegler

Acquisition of ZIEGLER

Visser Carrosserie is no longer a family business but has been taken over by the ZIEGLER Brandweertechniek Holding.

Blast-proof Wapensteun

New partnerships

Delivery of the first Boxer Armored Wheeled Vehicle for the NL land force in cooperation with Stork PWV and Ginaf Trucks Veenendaal.

Visser Historie Ambulanz Mobile

Start of dealership Ambulanz Mobile

Start of dealership Ambulanz Mobile. Visser Leeuwarden has been a partner and dealer of the products of Ambulanz Mobile in Schönebeck (D) since 2003, responsible for the Dutch, Belgian and Luxembourg market. Ambulanz Mobile is a leading builder of ambulance and emergency vehicles within Europe.

Visser Historie Engineering Commando Elw2

Start of Engineering & Prototype department

The Engineering department develops new products, visualizes and oversees the construction of special projects. The engineering department works with a 3D CAD system (Pro / Engineer Wildfire 2.0).

Visser Leeuwarden Vlaggen

Acquisition of CIMC – ZIEGLER Group

ZIEGLER is taken over by the listed CIMC (China International Marine Containers) Group, a very capital-rich multinational.


Delivery of Mobile Command Unit

Delivery of the first Mobile Command Unit (ELW1 and ELW2) for the German market.

Visser Historie Nieuwbouw Brailleweg

New construction Brailleweg

New building at Brailleweg 7 in Leeuwarden - equipped with an efficient line production and thus prepared for growth and the future.